Sunnah Way of Wearing Shoes
Hadith 1: It is reported in Sahih Muslim from Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that he heard the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying, “Wear shoes as much as you can, for as long as a person is wearing shoes, it is as if he is on a journey and thus does not become exhausted.”
Hadith 2: It is in Sahih Bukhari from Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who says, “I saw the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wearing Naalain (Sacred Footwear) without any fur covering.”
Hadith 3: It is in Sahih Bukhari from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that there were two hairs (straps) in the Naalain of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) between his blessed toes.
Hadith 4: It is in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “When wearing shoes, put on the right one first, and when removing them, take off the left one first, so that the right foot is first to be put on and the last to be taken off.”
Hadith 5: In Sahih Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Do not walk while wearing only one shoe. Either remove both or wear both.”
Hadith 6: In Sahih Muslim, it is reported from Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “If the straps of your shoes break, do not walk while wearing only one shoe, but repair the strap, and do not walk while wearing only one Mauzah (sock).”
Hadith 7: Tirmizi reported from Jaabir and Ibn Majah reported from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prohibited wearing shoes while standing, specifically referring to shoes that require time to put on, like those with straps to tie. However, shoes like Saleem Shahi, pumps, or sandals that do not require tying the strap can be worn while standing.
Hadith 8: Tirmizi reported from Hazrat A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sometimes walked with just one Naalain, either to explain permissibility or when he took only a few steps, such as to open the door of the Hujra (Sacred Chamber).
Hadith 9: Abu Dawud reported from Ibn Abi Maleeka that someone mentioned to Hazrat A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) that a woman wore shoes resembling those of men. She (Hazrat A’isha) said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) cursed women who resembled men, implying that women should not adopt styles that resemble men’s, and vice versa.
Hadith 10: Abu Dawud reported on the authority of Abdullah ibn Buraidah that someone queried from Fudaala bin Ubaid, “Why is it that I notice your hair scattered apart?” He replied, “The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to prohibit us from excessive adornment.” He then asked, “Why is it that I notice you barefoot?” He replied, “The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) commanded us to occasionally remain barefoot.”
Law: Wearing leather shoes is permissible, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) even wore such types of Naalain. Similarly, wearing shoes sewn with iron nails or tacks is also permissible, as many shoes nowadays are made using this method.