In the following conditions, not to keep fasts is permitted, but one will have to keep them after Ramadaan month:
1. If one is on a journey, and if that journey is at least 92 Kilometers (57.5 miles) long.
2. Pregnant and breast-feeding women when she is concerned about the health of themselves or the baby.
3. If a person is sick and he is concerned that the disease will get worst or will take a longer time to cure or a healthy person if he is sure to get sick.
4. Ladies having childbirth and menstruation period. (Bahare Shariat, part 5)
5. A person is so old who is not capable of fasting nor he can hope of repeating the missed fasting then he should pay “Fidya” a fixed amount per day. That is to feed a poor twice for each fasting or give Sadaqa equivalent to Sadaqa Fitr. (Bahare Shariat, part 5)


1. Dua for Fasting: Allahumma asumu ghadal laka faghfirli ma qadamtu wama akhartu. Or Wabi saumi ghadin nawatu min Shahri Ramadaan.

2. Dua when breaking Fast: Allahumma laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa alaika tawakkaltu wa alaa rizqika aftartu fataqabal minni ma qaddamtu wama akhartu.

3. Supplication for Taraweeh: Sub Hana Zil Mulki Wal Malakoot. Sub Hana Zil Eizzati Wal Azmati Wal Haibati Wal Qudrati Wal Kibreeyai Wal Jabaroot. Sub Hanal Malikil Hayyillazi La Yanamu Wala Yamoot Subbuhun Quddusun Rabbuna Wa Rabbul Malaaikati Warrooh. Allahumma Ajirna Minannari Ya Mujeeru Ya Mujeeru Ya Mujeer.

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